What method of hair removal do you use?

We remove hair by means of a hypoallergenic soft wax or tweezing.

How often should I wax?

The growth cycle of hair is approximately 21 days. We suggest you come in every 3-6 weeks depending on your growth rate.

Do you double dip the sticks?

Absolutely not, we maintain a very high standard of cleanliness in our salon.

How should I prepare for my waxing appointment?

Avoid using retinal, retin-a, prescription topical acne creams, skin lightening agents such as hydroquinone or any chemical peel treatment for at least a week prior to waxing. We do have the option of tweezing if you are on any prescription strength treatments.

How should I care for my skin after waxing?

You may be slightly pink up to 30 minutes after waxing. If pinkness persist try applying a cold compress and hydrocortisone. Avoid any harsh products, exfoliation, and direct sun for 24 hours after service.

Is there anything I can do to help my brows grow?

First and foremost put the tweezers down. There are topical treatments you can purchase over the counter that will help stimulate the follicle and promote growth. Ask your brow artist for suggestions.

How can I prepare for my makeup application?

Please arrive with cleansed moisturized skin.  Also exfoliating the skin prior to appointment is always a plus for a smoother canvas.